Tuesday, May 02, 2006

April 13, 2006 Part 2


These streets have been painted white
Artificial colour covering like a tainted light
The gateway for a Chinese to feel bravery
Yet in reality it's another form of slavery
Only escape is for us to be hell bound
Or live our life forever being held down
These streets are a jungle
We fight to survive, sleep and the night gives revive
Wake up, we do the same thing again
Without any opportunity to ever ascend
This isn't a day that goes by in silence
Passing the time while breathing violence
These streets, a road to a familiar place
Run by the shade of a face from a different race
These broken homes for dozing aren't cozy
But it's all we have so we pretend it's rosy
Looking around for the sight of a myna
If you look hard enough it might just be China
These streets of Chinatown

Kenneth Cheung, Killarney Secondary

Like a sweet september breeze
Nestles your body like a cacoon
Caressing every crease and creak
A veil of silk devouring you

Red fills the blank
Space that protrudes
And the smell of the street
Lingers beneath your feet,
Like your mothers home cooking
Dashes of yellow and a
Lifeless constructure
Rise to the sky
Small panes of glass peek out
To catch a glimpse of the world passing by
What they're missing, could imagine only
What lies within the hearts of the soulless figures
Pasty gold and fixated in duets
They are the guardians of the avenues
Soaring altitudes but not in the heavens
Laying perched like hawks
But they will never strike
Killarney SecondaryPatrick Low
The Benefit For Being Old
When I'm old, and obnoxious,
I will walk on streets with absolutely no fashion.
And smile like a crazy to every passenger.
I'll spend every cent that I have,
I'll die soon anyways, what's the point for putting money in bank?
I'll walk on the street and kick every parked car that looks nice.
I'll block people's way just to say: "Excuse me, get out of my way please."
Then I'll throw stones to the houses that belong to people I hate. ...
I'll do whatever I like when I get old,
For that I have been strictly controlled in youth,
And will strictly control myself when I reach adulthood.
When I get old, there is a way to release,
For that I'll no
longer care.

Jennie Jiang, Killarney Secondary


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