Tuesday, May 02, 2006

April 13, 2006 Part 2


These streets have been painted white
Artificial colour covering like a tainted light
The gateway for a Chinese to feel bravery
Yet in reality it's another form of slavery
Only escape is for us to be hell bound
Or live our life forever being held down
These streets are a jungle
We fight to survive, sleep and the night gives revive
Wake up, we do the same thing again
Without any opportunity to ever ascend
This isn't a day that goes by in silence
Passing the time while breathing violence
These streets, a road to a familiar place
Run by the shade of a face from a different race
These broken homes for dozing aren't cozy
But it's all we have so we pretend it's rosy
Looking around for the sight of a myna
If you look hard enough it might just be China
These streets of Chinatown

Kenneth Cheung, Killarney Secondary

Like a sweet september breeze
Nestles your body like a cacoon
Caressing every crease and creak
A veil of silk devouring you

Red fills the blank
Space that protrudes
And the smell of the street
Lingers beneath your feet,
Like your mothers home cooking
Dashes of yellow and a
Lifeless constructure
Rise to the sky
Small panes of glass peek out
To catch a glimpse of the world passing by
What they're missing, could imagine only
What lies within the hearts of the soulless figures
Pasty gold and fixated in duets
They are the guardians of the avenues
Soaring altitudes but not in the heavens
Laying perched like hawks
But they will never strike
Killarney SecondaryPatrick Low
The Benefit For Being Old
When I'm old, and obnoxious,
I will walk on streets with absolutely no fashion.
And smile like a crazy to every passenger.
I'll spend every cent that I have,
I'll die soon anyways, what's the point for putting money in bank?
I'll walk on the street and kick every parked car that looks nice.
I'll block people's way just to say: "Excuse me, get out of my way please."
Then I'll throw stones to the houses that belong to people I hate. ...
I'll do whatever I like when I get old,
For that I have been strictly controlled in youth,
And will strictly control myself when I reach adulthood.
When I get old, there is a way to release,
For that I'll no
longer care.

Jennie Jiang, Killarney Secondary

April 30, 2006

Sun Tanning Turtles

On the rocks where the turtles lie
Side by side each shell went dry
They lay all around
Even in town
These cute little things will never die

cameron low

it's the lost hope in your eyes
that won't let me forgive myself
the black and white photographs
that as the time passes
are fading like my memories of you
it's the unspoken words between us
that remind me why thing's will never be the same
the frayed edges of the pages in my spiral notebook
the only one left that
I can rely on always being there
it's this hollowing emptiness inside me
that's holding me back
and it's when those few moment of bliss
seem so far out of my reach

by Freda Li, UHill

sitting on the cool rigid surface of the mossy rooftop
in silence
staring up at the dark
starless night sky
on the cold and insignificant night
hoping the worst was over.
by Freda Li, UHill
he seraches the cold streets in silence
for a person he can be
scanning the stores
the shops and the malls
he wishes he were funny
born athletic or smart
he wants to be anyone
that is, but his own self
it's hard to deny
his true lack of friends
people he longed for
to be there by his side
when will this man
so confused of his identity
so desperate to please
realize that just being himself
is all that he really needs?

by Freda Li, UHill

i have a friends named deborah vogt
she's so modest she'd never gloat
she always helps out
when I give her a shout
during tough times she keeps me afloat.

by Freda Li, UHill

"Blog ..
Log ..
Flog .."

Moan and groan
When we log into someone’s blog
Computer dialog about stupid cats
Blah, blah with more boring people facts!
Pictures of guy’s holding guns
And girls with way too much sun!
Once a tool for education
Now a method of language degregation
‘OMG’ – (Oh my God)
I LoOk LiKe A fRiCkIn frog!”
‘O RLY’ (oh really)
‘YEA RLY ’(yeah really…)
‘NO WAI’ (no way!)
‘Yeh SRSLY ‘ (yeah seriously. . . .)
‘oH plz’, with all this ‘chat’ speak,
. . Its got me ‘freaked’
to Log on
my Blog
to Flog my poem ..
-Jamie Auman, age 16
Killarney Secondary School

Kisses Kisses are like tiny little dew drops bouncing off your lips.
Kisses are irresable like chocolate.
Kisses so heart felt emiotion of love for someone. Katelynn Goulet, Templeton
All in my head I think its all in my head.
But I can't take this anymore.
Cause it all in my head and i dont want to think about it anymore.
Katelynn Goulet Templeton Let Down I've let you down.
Sorry for all the hurtfull things i've said.
Sorry for the hurtful things i've done.
I'm so sorry for letting you down.
Katelynn Goulet, Templeton Bruised I got cuts and bruises.
You lost all your excuses.
I cry alone .
I cry for peace and quiet.
So I run thru i shadow of doubt
holding my heart thats bleeding. Katelynn Goulet, Templeton Don't Know I donno what to do anymore.
My life is turning upside down.
I'm running slow behind you and i donno what to say.
Hope and Strength got me where I am today.
I donno if i have any self control.
Katelynn Goulet, Templeton

I don?t know what happened.
Picturing what it looked like.
Reluctantly, give up.
I could only grasp the lease idea and picture of the past,
While the stinky smells enter my nose.

I don?t understand what is happening.
Listening to the lecture of the know-it-all guide.
I could only speak silently within myself, that
how dare you pass on the duck to us?
Anyone, everyone, could make a difference if they wanted to.

I don?t know what is going to happen.
Imagining what the alley would look like,
what the world would look like,
if all worked together to bring changes, only because
they believe in their causes.
Then I believe,
the world will be a better place.

Iris Hu, Killarney Secondary

It is old, dirty, and accompanied by an unpleasant scent
It is an area where no man shall live on
Living there is unfair to them since we all live in comfort
While they live in hardship and knowing they will spend the rest of
lives there
I can't ask for more in life

-anonymous, Killarney

Can not find any place
can not feel happy
I just want to find myself again
Wondering if I would ever return
to the place some part of me was left
only God knows

Rebeca Pina, Killarney SEcondary School

The smell of fresh air and soil,
And rain, the tender and abrasive creature that jump like a symphony on
streets, in paddles, and upon tree leaves.
Gently touching the greens,
Relentlessly washing away the petals.
And footprints.
The walk of time.
The whisper of sky.
The walk of my life.
I cry silently. I scream inside.
The hatred, weariness, and helplessness,
When I walk on this deserted boulevard,
Alone, in the rain.

Jennie Jiang, Killarney Secondary

April 28, 2006

My body is shaking with excitement,
as I walk through the arches of a
passageway of a majestic building
called the Coliseum.
My heart beats faster and faster
as I walk up the steps.
I can see the people that once
sat there awaiting the arrival of the
brave Gladiators.
I can hear the roaring of their voices
and the growls of the wild cats
chained in the arena.
The anticipation of the crowd grows
with every waking moment that
passes by.
The battle between life and death is
a struggle to gain the audience’s
In the top box,
there is one person that sits surrounded
splendors and food.
He decides the fate of the gladiators.
The games are know over,
all that there is left is the blood on the sand
and the echoes of screams.
Michaella Daillet
Killarney Secondary

Monday, May 01, 2006

April 17, 2006

Back once again, to this exact spot.
My cares captured and thrown away.
I'm left with only me
who I was, who I am, and who I will be
just to think and be at peace

Ripples swell like my thoughts,
fading out into nothingness
they cause me no frustration here
natural harmony, too strong,
is over ruling still

Shadows hang, as to shield me
from the real world.
It's tainted purity,
my enemy to forever be
cannot penetrate this haven

Serenity is calling out
for me to stay worry-free.
I can't leave, back to where
I came from, knowing the feelings
that may never return

No one can touch me
in this state of mind,
senses shut off to the
rest of the world.
My sanctuary

Mika Low, Killarney

I love to walk through the meadows,
and down by the wooded streams.
Reliving my past memories,
while renewing all my dreams.

Relaxing in harmony with nature,
so my mind won't be so stressed.
I'm so thankful for this time
I feel as though I'm blessed.

I lay back and start to drift,
to another place in time.
A world I'd love to live in,
a world that seems sublime.

All the cares of my world,
are lifted from my shoulder.
Could all this be an accident,
or is it that I'm growing older?

The comfort that i feel now,
in this solitude of thought.
Is worth more than anything,
for this escape i have long sought.

Jesse Mckay Killarney

The skies so pure,
the trees so high
with leaves hanging oh so green.
The water in the pond,
like the blood existing in our bodies.
This place so historical
and our culture so proud,

But behind all this,
lies something oh so historical.

What they witnessed, we will never see.
What they said, we will never hear.
How it flourished, we will never sense.
How they felt, we will never know.
But how they died, we will always remember.

Samantha Lai, Killarney Secondary School

When the skies are dark and the room is empty
You lie there bare on the floor, naked, torn, alone
And you watch as the your own blood spills,
Tainting the white tiles.

The metallic smell trapped in your nose
Huddling closer, you feel lost.
How could someone you thought you knew
Hurt you like this?

The sense of their breath too sweet
Breathing against your neck,
Telling you oh so sweetly
That you’re the only one

Those passionate kisses against your numb skin,
No longer are you in control.
Now you know of this treacherous world
And what hides behind that gorgeous smile.
Those luring eyes that haunting beauty.

Samantha Lai, Killarney Secondary School

Here I amin an inextricable maze.LostWithout knowing which way to go,Without knowing where I wanna go,
Here I amin an endless maze.Frightened.Standing and waiting for someonewho can help me get out.
-Jieun Kim, UHill

Have wisdom to look back the timewhen you hesitated in a fright.
You trusted yourselfand that's why you reached up to here.
When you can't see what's going on,take a few steps forward.
No one knowswhat will happen in the future.
In that momentwhen you begin to step forward,In that momentwhen you begin to trust yourself,Your fear will disappear.
-Jieun Kim, UHill

Life is a series of gamesWhch I am forced to play.
I always think of giving upYet I hate to be defeated even more.
If I can't avoid it,I should try to enjoy it.
If I should enjoy it,I'd rather love it.
I'm intoxicating to it nowI expect brand new items
I am adapted to the rules of gamesI am learning the new tactics.
Who says games are futile?
If it deserves to be fought,It also deserves to be won.
-Jieun Kim, UHill

Taking any risk if we are together.Not making each other lonely.Tender concern about each other.Not hurting the feelings of each other.Willing to take any responsibility.Feeling kindness in each other's eyes.Smiling at each other.
It is different from love and purity.
Love is pink and attract people's sightPurity is white and stands out well.Friendship is colourlessand seems not too attractive, not so showy.
Love is pink, tend to lose coloursPurity is white, tend to be tainted.Yet friendship is transparent,tend to be with us eternallywith love and purity.
-Jieun Kim, UHill