Exam Greetings!

Hello everyone!
School is winding down for the year and we wanted to wish you all good luck on your exams. Jessica and I (aka Ms. Sweezey and Ms. Patience) are off to the UK in September. We will miss you all! Please keep sending us your work and we'll keep posting it. By October, we hope to have more work from students all around the world.
Have fantastic summers, and don't you get into trouble, now.
June 10, 2006
UntitledThrough the light of the moon
I will come find you soon
Through the night and the day
i'll still find my way
Because this thing called love
Just cant be locked away
Or be hidden within'
Day after day
Oh my dear s.l.
Does this name ring a bell?
It could be yours
Or it could be mine
But truely the one I love,
is truely one of a kind.
-anonymous, Killarney Secondary School
June 07, 2006
Island of horrors no moreThis once was an island,
where the worst criminals were sent,
not one of them were smiling,
when they heard of the people they were to meet
Not one did escape this forsaken place
the guards did not have to be strong,
the current was the mightiest
Now it sits an idol
out in the bay for everyone
to wonder and revel at
Its cells now empty,
the guards no longer carry weapons,
yet the island is still a threat out there in the lonely bay
Daniel Eakin
June 13, 2006
The world's biggest fool is many things
Foolish enough to like someone who could never like him back
Stupid enough to practically tell it to her face
Dumb enough to dance with her and get his hopes up
Then realize it was out of pity
She shattered his heart
Burned it to ashes
Then forced then down his dying throat
Yet being who he was(besides a fool)
He led his life like nothing happened
But his greatest folly of all
Was believing in miracles
And this idiot?
He's sitting in my chair
Doing something stupid
Kenneth Lim, Uhill Sec
June 03, 2006
I Sit Here
I sit here alone and let my mind drift
Thinking of the days that pass, of the days to come
Of the days we will be together
Picturing you infront of me, with a look of joy
Knowing that you fit perfectly into my arms
I sit wondering of the story of how this started
The timeless nights we spent awake and talking
The days we longed for each other untill our bodies ached
And the precious seconds wasted arguing
I sit here alone and think
Think about the passion with which I say your name
The fierce and raw emotion that comes over me when I picture you
And the way you looked beautiful even when in tears
I sit wondering how this all happened
How my life had been changed completely with but a single change
The day you walked into my life
-Alex Pappas, Killarney Secondary
May 11, 2006
UntitledAs I listen to the way the music flows I think
I put my pen down and really listen carefully
I can hear every single beat in the song, every change in note
I pick up my pen again and start writting like mad
Finding myself not able to stop
Getting my emotions and feelings out through the tip of the pen
The ink reveals how I feel, how I am inside
Not how I look to the average eye, but only to those closest to me
The writting helps me through tough times and through rough times
It gets me through breakups, losses, fights.
And anything else you can think of
It is my second way of letting go of everything around me
I step outside my body when I write and look at myself
I see myself lost in thought, deep in concentration
I see myself on the paper, put there through my arm
Through the pen, through the ink
I like what I see
-Alex Pappas, Killarney Secondary
May 10, 2006
Living in captivity,
With no activity,
Protected in their rock hard shells.
Posing for pictures,
As if they are the only beautiful creatures.
No say to where they want to stay.
Can not meet their relatives,
Because they don't know where they live.
Do not have freedom as much as the people walking around them.
Surronded by green leaves,
And high trees,
Enjoying the cool breeze.
-Neelam Bihal, Killarney Secondary
May 08, 2006
The bridge, the pride of the islands
The bond between two similar,
but isolated lands.
No further sadness for two islands
No more blue tears come out from the eyes of the islands.
On endless blue sea, golden but reddish bridge is set.
It is set to let grieves drive away from the green areas.
Long and strong bridge was the solution.
The solution was made by those pure souls.
As they wish, hundreds of hands,
thousands of times,
millions of hopes
were participating in one of the greatest work in the world.
Between those mild blues,
The pride of those souls,
were finally built in the middle of two islands’ sorrows.
We call that Golden Gate.
-Shevan Cho, Killarney Secondary
May 06, 2006
I sit here alone and let my mind drift
Thinking of the days that pass, of the days to come
Of the days we will be together
Picturing you infront of me, with a look of joy
Knowing that you fit perfectly into my arms
I sit wondering of the story of how this started
The timeless nights we spent awake and talking
The days we longed for each other untill our bodies ached
And the precious seconds wasted arguing
I sit here alone and think
Think about the passion with which I say your name
The fierce and raw emotion that comes over me when I picture you
And the way you looked beautiful even when in tears
I sit wondering how this all happened
How my life had been changed completely with but a single change
The day you walked into my life
-Alex Pappas, Killarney Secondary
The Tower of Terror
As we sit down and buckle up,
we sit in anticipation of what
awaits us. Not knowing what to
expect, we suddenly drop down,
petrified, screaming for our lives.
Once we crash, were shot back up
in the air. People laughing, screaming,
children crying parents hugging their
children, strangers holding hands as
they shriek. Terrifying yet beautiful.
We flew up a thousand stories, the
doors open and reveal us all the land
of Disney. Were on top of the world,
full of excitement and fear. As we
hear the squeals of taunting panic while
rising, my only advice was not to look
down. We think its over, but then again,
dropped from the top. Lights flash in
our eyes, then once again, we hit the bottom.
People grabbing their belts with a sigh of
relief, assuming its over. But little do they
know, we get shot right up again.
- poonam dhaliwal, Killarney Secondary
May 04, 2006
I found a summer creek
in queenie with lovely trees
later i found her, green eyes
with a very lovely party dress
i thought i was in
heaven dancing in the moon
-Andrea Romero, Killarney Secondary
Once a place where prisoners go
Now a place that attracts many tourists
Once a place of violence and pain
Now a place of peace and harmony
Once a place in which people dread
Now a place where people volunteers to go
Once a place where guards carry heavy guns
Now a place where no guards are required
Once a place where prisoners risk their life to escape
Now a place where no prisoners has to go
Once the most famous jail in the world
Now? it still is the most famous jail in the world
Just for very different reasons.
-Chen Jiang, Killarney Secondary
May 03, 2006
Buy Or Sell
Commit sins day after day
then head to church and begin to pray
Lord please forgive me of my sins is what I say
why not change your filthy ways
They tell me important is a money and a good job
why would I care about family and god
then when I turn hopless and alone
is when moneys no good and i turn to the lord
I feel improper because they tell me its ineffective and wrong
I feel afraid because we haven't spoken for so long
Mr.west says Jesus walks
I ask why doesn't he talk
so he can take me off my path to hell
but getting a path to heaven or hell is not one you buy or sell
-Hussain Aziz
In the cloudless, clear sky,
the birds are flying high.
Sunlight close to makes me blind,
with shadows casting on my spine
like the wide flowing tide.
Here I am, on the street
where I am supposed to stay.
Staggering up the street in the heat,
I see people with familiar faces,
black eyes, black hair and yellow skin.
Striking and appealing to me,
collection of designated heritage
buildings set me free,
free of recalling the days
when we, the Chinese struggled and triumphed.
Exiled in this eerie city,
I am left to listen alone
to the calling for home.
Symbolic of both past and future,
the Millennium Gate rises above the level of nostalgia.
Prominent in my mind,
the gate is indeed teasing me for
looking back on the pleasant memories
rather than looking forward to the
shadowy, fuzzy future.
-Fiona Mak, Killarney Secondary
Streets of Chinatown
The sun shines bright
A public park with oriental styles
A breeze blows through the garden of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
After the Second World War
A memorial for Chinese demonstrations
Of bravery in war and lives given for the rail way back then
In the street alley
Besides the garbage
Seats many cramped apartments
A reminder of the hardships endured
Where the drug stores are
The many herbs age
Lizards and bark in their little compartments
One of the places traditional Chinese remedies are offered
Selling their fresh goods
Found in the area
Are fresh flopping fish and juicy barbecue meats
Along with bakeries with Portuguese tarts and Chinese cakes
To the under privileged of you Vancouver
To combat discriminatory moods
They help find good jobs and good suites
The Chinese benevolence association works to end the aches
With different attitudes
Now, china town shines bright
New buildings and old ones under restoration
This historic place is becoming grand
-Julian Fong, Killarney Secondary
May 02, 2006
Beware! Life's Hard and AlwaysThe past is the past,
Future will be then,
Now is the present.
Some things may be better now,
But lots of things got worse;
With all those diseases around,
No one knows what's next.
Don't think life will get easier,
'Cause it won't.
Things will happen, unexpectedly;
I'm warning you now,
-Iris Wong, Killarney Secondary School
Hearst CastleTapestries adorn the wall
Solid Statues surround the land
The elegance of water pools
A luxurious landing to enjoy
The wild tamed and brought to us
One mans dream
That shocked us all
And made us jealous
But at the same time
Compels us to create our own
-Sharon Mok, Killarney Secondary
sakuraThese delicate petals
of such great beauty.
Like angels from the skies,
sent to decorate the floors.
Like walking the red carpet,
a carpet not red, but pink.
Cry when the wind blows,
It shall fly away.
For the same will only comes once,
only once from the tree's
to the heaven and the skies.
- annonymous, Killarney Secondary
DARK CORNERI was told there’d be harder things in life to face
As these four walls bring nothing but joy to me to embrace
I wish I could just set myself free
Leave these worries, I worry about
Not to care, not to doubt
As I sit in this corner of collected darkness
This thing that brings me down ….I can’t find it
It will be awhile
The seasons are changing, which brings upon a smile
Maybe my life will brighten up; maybe it will be glued to the dark
As it wastes away in this corner, left will be my mark
-Anonymous, Killarney Secondary
May 01, 2006
Why you should eat junk food.
It’s the same story, offer them green food,
And they will YELL at you: “NO WAY, DUDE!”
“I’m allergic to everything green
Including broccoli and donkey spleens.”
But, instead offer them some ice cream,
And that will wake them and make them scream,
With eyes alight with a manic gleam
“It’s truly as good as it seems.”
“If it’s that good, than I’ll have some too!”
Said little Sally “Sandra” Sue
“’spect it’s no better than good old beans,”
Said the town’s only healthy eater, “Healthy” Dean.
“You are crazy.” said Sally or Sandra (or Sue.)
“You ought to have some ice cream too.
Or some of the ketchup flavored chips
Or even some of those cherry lips
Eating good food is bad for you,
(Even if it’s called “Good” food, it’s true.)
It will make your insides shrivel up
Just like Farmer John’s old dead pup.
“Aren’t you talking about Junk food, dear?”
Asked her Norwegian teacher, Ms. Wejr
“But eating junk food is very good for you!
What adults say is never true.”
And so little Sally “Sandra” Sue
Kept eating junk. She never knew
That an adult might just be right
Or that she’ll fall down sick tonight
And be stuck in bed until next Friday,
Unable to move in any way
Until one day
She mistakenly ate
A green Healthy-looking bean
This instantly restored her to full health.
“See?” said Dean, “Don’t fear the green,
Which is good to eat and maintains your health
See what happened after you ate that bean?
(And junk food can be hazardous to your wealth.)
And so life went on normally
Until it, once again, fell into abnormality
And this time it’s Dean
Who ate a “Healthy” Green-looking bean
And (after throwing up copious amounts,) he said:
“Never again will I lose my head
And eat healthy stuff,
For green things turn your insides into bits of fluff.”
“I will never eat a bean again, now, let’s see,
May I have some ice cream please?”
-Bill Xiong, U-Hill Secondary
(Inspired by the picture of the dark night and the book “Underground to Canada.”)
It’s dark
It must be at night
What thime of night?
I do not know.
I can’t afford a watch.
The stars glitter overhead,
One brighter than the rest.
“That is the north star, my son.”
My father always said.
“It will lead you into a land
Where freedom reigns free.
And where the sand lies on clean free soil
and there, we will live in safety.”
So now, I am here
Or there
Or Somewhere,
I do not know.
I haven’t got a map.
Every footstep or sound I hear
sounds like a slave catcher or bounty hunter near
and every breath I take
could be my last
I know I should be thinhing about other things.
And worrying about other things:
Where will I eat tomorrow
Where will I sleep tomorrow
Whether I would ever eat again.
And if they find me…
Will I ever live
To see the dawn again?
Never mind that.
I must go on
I’m nearing the end
of this harsh and unfriendly journey.
I can smell the sea
Which I must cross
In order to reach Canada.
Wait. Was that footsteps?
NO!!! I must press on.
I’m almost there.
Almost in Canada.
Almost free.
-Bill Xiong, U-Hill Seondary
Four fantastic limericks
I: The Kind Limerick
Oh my mother, she’s so kind
Anything you desire, she’d suffice
She’ll clean your room
Even without a broom
And then cook you fish with rice.
II: The untrue limerick
This is about the Jason of Greece
Who wanted to recover the Golden Fleece
So his ship set sail
Not knowing he’d fail
And return in more than one piece.
III: The Not-so-kind Limerick
My sister Christine, she’s very cute
I wish I could only make her mute:
One push of a button,
And all of a sudden
She’d stop talking. Now won't that be cute?
IV: The Robotic Limerick
Once I had a robot named Sue
Who ran around drinking Mountain Dew
One day she ran
Right into the fan
And got sold as “almost” new.
-Bill Xiong, U-Hill Secondary
Live Life As You Want
Some people take their time and savor each passing day.
They'll never live life on a leash, they never are afraid.
Of life, of love, of beautiful things that make the world so great.
They never take a thing for granted, they don't believe in fate.
They make their own, they strive, they fight to be better than they are.
They don't wait for things to come to them, they don't wish on shooting stars.
Learn from them, do what they do. Live life for all its worth.
Because you never know when the time will come for you to leave this earth
-Jimmy Pham, Killarney Secondary
Dark History Within Radiating Beauty
A mark of your presence from the past remains
Standing still so proudly of the beauty you hold.
Rich in history,
It seems like nothing can destroy the suffered grace.
But it has.
Grimy water with buildings cascading the scene,
It makes me wonder, “Have people lost care for the
radiance within you?”
But no matter what
You will always be,
A beautiful history which can never be forgotten.
-Shantho Krishanthan, Killarney Secondary
trading places
walking down these Familiar Lanes
this white man guides me through y very own planes
but not with the same old familiar faces
This hits me much later: we've all traded places
i understand your big words. dont try to intimidate
dont tell me my own problems. trust me, i can relate
compare this town and the city like a dump and an oasis
That didn't hit me that fast, but we've all traded places.
the townsfolk are not hard to recognize
they have our distinguished skin and our eyes
white boy, just admit it. we're from two different bases
That hit me quite soon. we've all traded places.
how does he dare try to show me the way
mostly my misconceptions and my misjudged says?
let's not forget who's here and which races
That hit me since 1. we've all traded places
he's tried hard to show us the history of this town
i've ridiculed him for days. pretty much just up till now
i'll stop crushing him with all my kings and my aces
This hits me just now:
We've all traded places
-amanda chan, killarney secondary school
From the Rope to Hope in Chinatown
A site of history, a thing to see
Chinatown in Vancouver is a place to be.
First to isolate,
Now to buy Colgate
This haven has lasted through the century.
It was a place to ease
For the first Chinese.
A place for them
But now for bums,
Chinatown has become a place not too pleased.
It has its problems in its fate
Such a depressing ghetto state.
There are drugs,
And thugs,
At alarming rates.
There are also prostitutes,
Those who sell their bodies, denying their roots.
They gave up on life
Nearing that knife,
And living by Chinatown, unable to get off those boots.
People have lost hope,
Tying that rope,
But there is still chance
For them to glance;
At a life they wanted to live, full, not toped.
They, and Chinatown, can be saved.
If only we gave…
Our hearts for them.
And the rest is theirs to pave.
-Lawrence Tsui, Killarney Secondary
Piercing noises, dust, dirt, and steel
Condos and apartments rises.
They hinder my vision,
They block my light,
And I am in their path.
Construction and progress is top priority,
We are the exhausted and disabled elderly,
Our history is in past and the future nears.
And this beautiful garden I see before me is fading,
But I have vanished.
-Anonymous, Killarney Secondary
Cannot find any place
cannot feel happy
I just want to find myself again
Wondering if I would ever return
to the place some part of me was left
only God knows
-Rebca Pina, Killarney Secondary School
Barbequed meat
Is what I like to eat
While they are really quite messy
They are the only good delicacy
Crunchy, chewy, and munchy
Beats pasta that are oh so mushy
So sweet and salty and sour
Beat the mounties syrup any hour
Try them cold or even hot
It beats anything that sushi's got
So as you can see
As I write this with such glee
Barbequed meat is just great and affordable
While everything else you got tastes bad and deplorable
-anonymous, Killarney Secondary
they wanted to escape from poverty
as well as to earn some easy money.
They decided to leave their families,
seeking their dreams in an unknown county
It was an absolutely foreign place,
where they were compelled to work night and day.
After all the expenses the'd to pay,
there's nothing left at the end of the day.
They were given the most dangerous task:
to ignite the dynamite and run fast!
and citizens they became at long last
'cause they contributed much in the past
-Sam Luo, Killarney Secondary
the green of the plants
the lowering of the branches
the mud filled water
the fises below
all stereotypes
the clay tiles on the roof
the "Chinese" image
the size of the pillars
the curve of the roof
all stereotpes.
the fakeness of the suburb
which was built by settlers
regarding one or two buildings from China
nothing but all stereotypes
-Aaron Sin, Killarney Secondary
The Nature of Chinatown
The sun shines on the murky pond.
The water reflects the trees and the chinese building,
like you see two identicle place.
Brown dead lilypond leaves float.
Trees' beard draping on the pond like silky green curtains
The pond is solid and still.
I can imagine myself walking on the stillness pond with grace and poise.
Calm, peaceful, quiet and still.
Everything is naturally beautiful.
-Anonymous, Killarney Secondary
Not So Far
Looking back on
The nights of fun
Between weary eyelids
There wasn’t fear
Or hurt
We sang and danced and
The world still spun its elaborate tale
The heart is anxious
One night and then
Another day
Passes by the mind’s eye
As false grins emblazon a face
But there’s the loneliness and
You start to figure
From just far away
It’s just a pin beneath a
Sea of joy
Turn around and just breathe in
Looking homeward, a beautiful view
Fireflies from windowsills and
Mothers in the market
Think about it and it’s not so far away
-Garren, Killarney Secondary
Dolphins with Toxic Needles and Tiny Little Weevils
Up and away
The world’s in frightful danger
From American porpae and British mice
With military training and Black Death-lice.
It’s more serious than you’d think.
-Garren, Killarney Secondary
The old and the new,
Blend together in perfect harmony,
As the sky is blue,
And the ground is brown, compact with unity.
The water is still and holds its peace,
A reflection upon its surface,
Revealing the future to the east,
Construction nears, as wish becomes purpose.
Old traditions will change,
With the time that passes by,
When machines are in range,
And things will perish and die.
The things that will remain,
Will be nothing more but a memory.
Something that you can’t sustain,
Like the aging process of humanity.
-Raymond Joe, Killarney Secondary
Drawings on the pavement
Pictures drawn in the summer heat
On the cool pavement.
Our emotions can be created
And also taken away.
Our course of action can be altered
And new destinations wait in store for us.
We are all just playing out
What someone else has already written,
Just playing our part in the game of life.
Just as easily as characters can be created
They can be erased.
In mid sentence,
During the happiest moment of their life.
People will cry
And people will try to remember
How life used to be when they were here among us
But then the story changes
And some new drama consumes the artist
With new ideas for future plots
And characters.
We are only little drawings
Lying there on the pavement
Awaiting that fateful day
When we will be washed away.
-Chelsey Johnson, Killarney Secondary
Buy Them
They are ready to be sold.
The Grocery store opens doors raises blinds.
Hurry up! Vegitabilians are developing mold.
Mushroomians are painted bold
To present attractive rinds.
They are ready to be sold.
However, no attention can they hold
Customers pass with empty minds
Hurry up customers! Vegitabilians are developing mold.
Potatoinas in their beds have rolled,
But no-one ever finds
They are ready to be sold.
The customer’s mood is cold.
As through the store she winds
Hurry up customers! Vegitabilians are developing mold.
The aisles are still patrolled
Consumers want to get the best Vegitabilians
They are ready to be sold.
Hurry up customers! Vegitabilians are developing mold.
-Anonymous, Killarney Secondary
April 13, 2006 Part 2
These streets have been painted white
Artificial colour covering like a tainted light
The gateway for a Chinese to feel bravery
Yet in reality it's another form of slavery
Only escape is for us to be hell bound
Or live our life forever being held down
These streets are a jungle
We fight to survive, sleep and the night gives revive
Wake up, we do the same thing again
Without any opportunity to ever ascend
This isn't a day that goes by in silence
Passing the time while breathing violence
These streets, a road to a familiar place
Run by the shade of a face from a different race
These broken homes for dozing aren't cozy
But it's all we have so we pretend it's rosy
Looking around for the sight of a myna
If you look hard enough it might just be China
These streets of Chinatown
Kenneth Cheung, Killarney Secondary
Like a sweet september breeze
Nestles your body like a cacoon
Caressing every crease and creak
A veil of silk devouring you
Red fills the blank
Space that protrudes
And the smell of the street
Lingers beneath your feet,
Like your mothers home cooking
Dashes of yellow and a
Lifeless constructure
Rise to the sky
Small panes of glass peek out
To catch a glimpse of the world passing by
What they're missing, could imagine only
What lies within the hearts of the soulless figures
Pasty gold and fixated in duets
They are the guardians of the avenues
Soaring altitudes but not in the heavens
Laying perched like hawks
But they will never strike
Killarney SecondaryPatrick Low
The Benefit For Being Old
When I'm old, and obnoxious,
I will walk on streets with absolutely no fashion.
And smile like a crazy to every passenger.
I'll spend every cent that I have,
I'll die soon anyways, what's the point for putting money in bank?
I'll walk on the street and kick every parked car that looks nice.
I'll block people's way just to say: "Excuse me, get out of my way please."
Then I'll throw stones to the houses that belong to people I hate. ...
I'll do whatever I like when I get old,
For that I have been strictly controlled in youth,
And will strictly control myself when I reach adulthood.
When I get old, there is a way to release,
For that I'll no
longer care.
Jennie Jiang, Killarney Secondary
April 30, 2006
Sun Tanning Turtles
On the rocks where the turtles lie
Side by side each shell went dry
They lay all around
Even in town
These cute little things will never die
cameron low
it's the lost hope in your eyes
that won't let me forgive myself
the black and white photographs
that as the time passes
are fading like my memories of you
it's the unspoken words between us
that remind me why thing's will never be the same
the frayed edges of the pages in my spiral notebook
the only one left that
I can rely on always being there
it's this hollowing emptiness inside me
that's holding me back
and it's when those few moment of bliss
seem so far out of my reach
by Freda Li, UHill
sitting on the cool rigid surface of the mossy rooftop
in silence
staring up at the dark
starless night sky
on the cold and insignificant night
hoping the worst was over.
by Freda Li, UHill
he seraches the cold streets in silence
for a person he can be
scanning the stores
the shops and the malls
he wishes he were funny
born athletic or smart
he wants to be anyone
that is, but his own self
it's hard to deny
his true lack of friends
people he longed for
to be there by his side
when will this man
so confused of his identity
so desperate to please
realize that just being himself
is all that he really needs?
by Freda Li, UHill
i have a friends named deborah vogt
she's so modest she'd never gloat
she always helps out
when I give her a shout
during tough times she keeps me afloat.
by Freda Li, UHill
"Blog ..
Log ..
Flog .."
Moan and groan
When we log into someone’s blog
Computer dialog about stupid cats
Blah, blah with more boring people facts!
Pictures of guy’s holding guns
And girls with way too much sun!
Once a tool for education
Now a method of language degregation
‘OMG’ – (Oh my God)
I LoOk LiKe A fRiCkIn frog!”
‘O RLY’ (oh really)
‘YEA RLY ’(yeah really…)
‘NO WAI’ (no way!)
‘Yeh SRSLY ‘ (yeah seriously. . . .)
‘oH plz’, with all this ‘chat’ speak,
. . Its got me ‘freaked’
to Log on
my Blog
to Flog my poem ..
-Jamie Auman, age 16
Killarney Secondary School
Kisses Kisses are like tiny little dew drops bouncing off your lips.
Kisses are irresable like chocolate.
Kisses so heart felt emiotion of love for someone. Katelynn Goulet, Templeton
All in my head I think its all in my head.
But I can't take this anymore.
Cause it all in my head and i dont want to think about it anymore.
Katelynn Goulet Templeton Let Down I've let you down.
Sorry for all the hurtfull things i've said.
Sorry for the hurtful things i've done.
I'm so sorry for letting you down.
Katelynn Goulet, Templeton Bruised I got cuts and bruises.
You lost all your excuses.
I cry alone .
I cry for peace and quiet.
So I run thru i shadow of doubt
holding my heart thats bleeding. Katelynn Goulet, Templeton Don't Know I donno what to do anymore.
My life is turning upside down.
I'm running slow behind you and i donno what to say.
Hope and Strength got me where I am today.
I donno if i have any self control.
Katelynn Goulet, Templeton
I don?t know what happened.
Picturing what it looked like.
Reluctantly, give up.
I could only grasp the lease idea and picture of the past,
While the stinky smells enter my nose.
I don?t understand what is happening.
Listening to the lecture of the know-it-all guide.
I could only speak silently within myself, that
how dare you pass on the duck to us?
Anyone, everyone, could make a difference if they wanted to.
I don?t know what is going to happen.
Imagining what the alley would look like,
what the world would look like,
if all worked together to bring changes, only because
they believe in their causes.
Then I believe,
the world will be a better place.
Iris Hu, Killarney Secondary
It is old, dirty, and accompanied by an unpleasant scent
It is an area where no man shall live on
Living there is unfair to them since we all live in comfort
While they live in hardship and knowing they will spend the rest of
lives there
I can't ask for more in life
-anonymous, Killarney
Can not find any place
can not feel happy
I just want to find myself again
Wondering if I would ever return
to the place some part of me was left
only God knows
Rebeca Pina, Killarney SEcondary School
The smell of fresh air and soil,
And rain, the tender and abrasive creature that jump like a symphony on
streets, in paddles, and upon tree leaves.
Gently touching the greens,
Relentlessly washing away the petals.
And footprints.
The walk of time.
The whisper of sky.
The walk of my life.
I cry silently. I scream inside.
The hatred, weariness, and helplessness,
When I walk on this deserted boulevard,
Alone, in the rain.
Jennie Jiang, Killarney Secondary
April 28, 2006
My body is shaking with excitement,
as I walk through the arches of a
passageway of a majestic building
called the Coliseum.
My heart beats faster and faster
as I walk up the steps.
I can see the people that once
sat there awaiting the arrival of the
brave Gladiators.
I can hear the roaring of their voices
and the growls of the wild cats
chained in the arena.
The anticipation of the crowd grows
with every waking moment that
passes by.
The battle between life and death is
a struggle to gain the audience’s
In the top box,
there is one person that sits surrounded
splendors and food.
He decides the fate of the gladiators.
The games are know over,
all that there is left is the blood on the sand
and the echoes of screams.
Michaella Daillet
Killarney Secondary
April 17, 2006
Back once again, to this exact spot.
My cares captured and thrown away.
I'm left with only me
who I was, who I am, and who I will be
just to think and be at peace
Ripples swell like my thoughts,
fading out into nothingness
they cause me no frustration here
natural harmony, too strong,
is over ruling still
Shadows hang, as to shield me
from the real world.
It's tainted purity,
my enemy to forever be
cannot penetrate this haven
Serenity is calling out
for me to stay worry-free.
I can't leave, back to where
I came from, knowing the feelings
that may never return
No one can touch me
in this state of mind,
senses shut off to the
rest of the world.
My sanctuary
Mika Low, Killarney
I love to walk through the meadows,
and down by the wooded streams.
Reliving my past memories,
while renewing all my dreams.
Relaxing in harmony with nature,
so my mind won't be so stressed.
I'm so thankful for this time
I feel as though I'm blessed.
I lay back and start to drift,
to another place in time.
A world I'd love to live in,
a world that seems sublime.
All the cares of my world,
are lifted from my shoulder.
Could all this be an accident,
or is it that I'm growing older?
The comfort that i feel now,
in this solitude of thought.
Is worth more than anything,
for this escape i have long sought.
Jesse Mckay Killarney
The skies so pure,
the trees so high
with leaves hanging oh so green.
The water in the pond,
like the blood existing in our bodies.
This place so historical
and our culture so proud,
But behind all this,
lies something oh so historical.
What they witnessed, we will never see.
What they said, we will never hear.
How it flourished, we will never sense.
How they felt, we will never know.
But how they died, we will always remember.
Samantha Lai, Killarney Secondary School
When the skies are dark and the room is empty
You lie there bare on the floor, naked, torn, alone
And you watch as the your own blood spills,
Tainting the white tiles.
The metallic smell trapped in your nose
Huddling closer, you feel lost.
How could someone you thought you knew
Hurt you like this?
The sense of their breath too sweet
Breathing against your neck,
Telling you oh so sweetly
That you’re the only one
Those passionate kisses against your numb skin,
No longer are you in control.
Now you know of this treacherous world
And what hides behind that gorgeous smile.
Those luring eyes that haunting beauty.
Samantha Lai, Killarney Secondary School
Here I amin an inextricable maze.LostWithout knowing which way to go,Without knowing where I wanna go,
Here I amin an endless maze.Frightened.Standing and waiting for someonewho can help me get out.
-Jieun Kim, UHill
Have wisdom to look back the timewhen you hesitated in a fright.
You trusted yourselfand that's why you reached up to here.
When you can't see what's going on,take a few steps forward.
No one knowswhat will happen in the future.
In that momentwhen you begin to step forward,In that momentwhen you begin to trust yourself,Your fear will disappear.
-Jieun Kim, UHill
Life is a series of gamesWhch I am forced to play.
I always think of giving upYet I hate to be defeated even more.
If I can't avoid it,I should try to enjoy it.
If I should enjoy it,I'd rather love it.
I'm intoxicating to it nowI expect brand new items
I am adapted to the rules of gamesI am learning the new tactics.
Who says games are futile?
If it deserves to be fought,It also deserves to be won.
-Jieun Kim, UHill
Taking any risk if we are together.Not making each other lonely.Tender concern about each other.Not hurting the feelings of each other.Willing to take any responsibility.Feeling kindness in each other's eyes.Smiling at each other.
It is different from love and purity.
Love is pink and attract people's sightPurity is white and stands out well.Friendship is colourlessand seems not too attractive, not so showy.
Love is pink, tend to lose coloursPurity is white, tend to be tainted.Yet friendship is transparent,tend to be with us eternallywith love and purity.
-Jieun Kim, UHill
Attention UHill-ians!
Hi to all the folks at U-Hill,
As I am currently in the process of submitting your marks, the deadline for poems that will possibly affect your grade is this weekend. Not that this is a problem, as I am sure that your grades have nothing to do with your submitting poetry! Do not be a slave to marks, rather, a slave to poetry -- it's far better for you.
Keep those poems coming regardless, but I cannot promise that they will be counted after this weekend.
Ms. Sweezey
April 25, 2006
Lean On Evening Once Again
Lean on evening once again
Sense the weight of sunset sinking low
On the blustering spare plain
Before dawn calls like dismal crow
Fields of green-gold set aflame
While the world runs and spins apart
From the small home with tiny frame
On a prairie wide enough to break your heart
-Bethany, UHill
Seeing Things
Lonely woman neighbour
in a night-time long with stars
she swears are dimmer than the once were:
Her wrinkled fingers shiver
only just perceptibly
as she sits slurping coffee
on the porch,
Letting memories slide by unchecked.
She sits in a cracked white plastic chair,
But doesn’t really sit there:
Her wary gaze protects emotion.
Potted plants all around run wild:
Stringy cacti like dreadlocks;
Her hair free, frazzled, tired, her eyes bright.
Though night sits silent,
And must seem cruelly quiet to her,
It hasn’t always.
She rests a moment longer as every bone aches
and she lingers.
Lovely woman,
Porch creaks, screen door clicks.
I Love Foggy Mornings
Bellies full of unbreakable and artificial:
We ache, or we think so,
Without knowing if we’re people people anymore.
Not a lot of sun shines now
just shadows stay, with dusty windowpanes reflecting.
I wear earplugs whenever I can,
Anxious and lacking a concrete life plan,
Without soldiers, shield, armour,
Pink and tired, curled up in fears.
The world wears earplugs and sits tight while
Only the walls have open ears,
And we live in fear of them
Though we need not.
There are no secrets, no personal, no understanding core
As the media dumps information on us like salt on a bleeding sore.
But I need nothing actual, I don’t need to know:
If I was more attentive, I’d fear my own folly still more,
For expressions of love so often sound senseless,
So unoriginal, unreal, or untrue:
Plugged ears and this unlucky fog are safer.
The moon hangs lower than it ever did,
But let’s not box it away or place a lid
over the heavens the way we have everything else.
You left a lot behind from back when you were a thousand things
at once before you were too many, we were too many,
and we came into this plastic space.
Confusion is sweet after all,
though perhaps dull,
Even idiotic in itself, but at least I know how I want things,
if not what things,
And I resolve I will still get along
without the tears and the rain,
Without caring if my features, my love, my poetry,
and even my thoughts are quite plain.
-Bethany, UHill
do I? (have cabin fever)
do I? (wander)
walk (in circles) round
(the wind) the winding streets
(with all the sky rooting me,
placing me, knowing me)
more than I think./?//(I do?)
do I? curl
a seed (embedded)
a child, a baby, a cell
(buried here) in warm dark
(and red fear)
knowing anything much./?//(I do?)
do I? sing
(dancing on the razor edge)
with all I never know
(doubting who I am today)
on a cliff in June
(plane screams past)
clouds shudder, recombine and drift
shall I drift (or fall)./?//(I do?)
I would, I am
for anything today,
loosed and lost and trapped and (?) //…
-Bethany, UHill
quickie haikus
my teeth are too sharp/my tongue is too soft, today/my tongue is in pain
my legs are all lead/the anxiety destroys/cool self-confidence
the day is too long/so goddamn long it hurts you/or is it just me?
brains are so gravy/I think they're good, good to think/but watch out! zombies!
-Garren, Killarney, age 16
April 24, 2006
False Hope
In the dark
he could feel a hint of light
like a trace of hope.
The light was like a dangling carrot
set infront of him to make him run
Even though he knew the hint of light
was a foolish false hope it wouldn't hurt
to take a step toward it - but towards what?
The second poem is called Colorless
When I looked at it in the dark
it's black but when I look at it
in yellow light it's yellow.
When I look at it in red light
it's red. Any way I look at it,
it changes color.
How could I ever tell what color it is?
-Erica Ho, UHill
They carried me off,
To a room
with no windows.
A grand twenty foot coffin.
They told me the people below me
were dead.
I hear their screams.
I weep
of terror
of loss. My mother told me
not to cry.
But how can you not
cry when you lose
those who could have been?
They are fleeting magpie calls.
If you listen closely,
can hear
them too.
-Ashlyn Anstee, UHill
My great-grandmother
We clattered down the country road-
In a boxy black car that rattled and shook.
We passed a playground.
The old kind, with the rusty chain
swing set.
tire swing.
I think about kindergarten. I think
about the first day of school
and love and boxed lunches.
anything but my great grandmother
not sitting in the front seat.
every wind that washed against the windows.
fluttered through me.
-Ashlyn Anstee, UHill
April 23, 2006
Hello mornings, robust hollow places
Stretching through the open spaces
In hopes of stopping the choking sounds
And licking the table of coffee traces
Do you dare me queens of spades?
Wicked chips pull slight-of-hand trades
In a game of 14-muscle charades
They're gnawing out their serenades
In the railing of the stair
To the ceiling in the air
There's always a seat on the piano bench for you.
-Robin, UHill
Look at her.
Look at her long black hair and
That mouth.
Maybe it's so full because she
Sings too much, always singing,
That one.
She's pretty.
You can't help but listen to her
Singing small, sweet song with an unearthly voice.
Tiny little voice.
She glows when they acknowledge it, you know,
And it makes everything worse,
Because then she's even prettier.
Look at her go.
What did they say about her body this time?
It's beautiful, it's weak, it's
They can't have it.
She's blurring around the edges,
Her insides seeping through her skin.
There's a tepid stench swirling around in her pretty perfume,
But I can't smell it anymore.
It's in her head.
It makes pictures and calls her names, calls her no-name, calls her
Nothing at all,
And her mouth is full of balls of blood -
She's coughing again,
Rocking and digging her nails into her
Knuckles and wishing someone were
Dying to be there with her,
Splayed out,
Spread out,
Someone scream for her!
Look at her.
Just look at her.
-Robin, UHill
April 21, 2006
Bleak grey walls
Surround everything
Like the grief of loss
The young man feels
Head bowed
Expressionless face
He approaches the grey clothed pulpit
His voice tells of his grief
Coloured light seeps
Through the stained glass
Giving light in the darkness
As reflections spark
Laughter over better times
Even in the darkness
There are smiles
Along with tears of grief.
-Robert Mackenzie, UHill
Shell are falling
Illuminating the night
Delivering a horrible mauling
We wont give up the fight
So we struggle ahead
Hoping not to number with the dead
Finally reaching the goal
With many lost along the way
Running along on cruise control
And now I’m to bored to play
So I save and go away
To big to fathom
Yet ever present like a shadow
Always lingering
Infecting all around us
Slowly overcoming
What happens next
No one can no
But those who have gone before
Is there heaven
Is there hell
Questions will be answered
But only time will tell
Footprints in the sand
Stretch out behind me
As the water slowly eats away at them
As I continue on
Those behind grow dim
Always looking a few feet ahead
Never taking more then a quick look back
Some are deep
Some are spaced apart
But big or small
They will all disappear
With the coming of the sea.
Robert Mackenzie, UHill
When I sit down to my piano play,
I fly on joyful wings of ivory,
To enter heaven’s door where once a day
I feel as if my soul has been set free.
The music speaks in thoughts too deep for words
In sounds that rise and fall with joy and pain,
Less like human speech than call of songbirds,
In summer mornings kissed by gentle rain.
I wish that I could leave my life behind,
My busy world of desks and homework due.
A place of rest and comfort then to find
Where my piano waits with spirit true.
Oh, God, have pity on that lonesome one
Who’s never lived in music’s golden sun.
-Sara Ye, UHill
I once saw a teenage girl,
Sitting at the back corner
Of the crowded bus by herself.
She was looking outside of the bus window
With her depressed and drowsy eyes,
And she was holding her own hands
Who would be the one to
Hold her hands with warmness
And fill her loneliness
With passionate love?
-Sara Ye, UHill
Life is a Castle.
When you’re young, the doors seem huge, and won’t let you in.
The castle seem sharp and high, but you imagine the inside to be
Warm and filled with treasure.
But once you get inside, it’s dusty and cold,
And there’s a long staircase to climb.
Everybody except you seems to know their way around.
You have to decide yourself which door to enter, which stair to climb,
And some of them don’t even lead anywhere.
Yes, the castle is mysterious.
-Sara Ye, UHill
I Want To Fly
I want to fly
Like free birds in the big blue sky
To get away from this busy
And complicated place
To ignore everything
That I have to worry about
To leave behind any thoughts
That always wanders in my mind
To enjoy the carefree life
In the sky
-Sara Ye, UHill
Gordon Campbell’s Election Volunteer
A Room lit with studio lights, crowded with rich-scented suits
And happy laughter, I receive my mission:
We fan out into the lazy evening streets, breathless
And hopeful, overflowing with ambition.
We ask, “Have you voted?” And their faces are smiling and
Curious. “Yes”, or “I’m on my way.”
When the cameras flash; the Premier arrives, shines with
Confidence and success. The light catches the rim of his glasses.
His teeth and hair are white; his hand is large and warm.
He says, “Nice to meet you.”
-Sara Ye, UHill
Fashion God
I once had this classmate named Lyle.
He always dressed with such style.
Thought he could catch every eye
With his bright purple tie
But the girls all ran for a mile.
-Sara Ye, UHill
Gleaming Face
Slowly walking in space
Hoping of a new discovery
A new place, new life
Carrying three animals
In a lonely silent night
Following the bright shining star
To where it belongs
And then starting all over again!
Believing in it has got him this far
And his belief will continue
As long as he trusts the bright shining star
-Mohammad Amanian, UHill
Why War?
He walks around,
Looks everywhere
Thinks for a second
Faints for a second,
And says…
They think they are the best
Even though they’re not
So what? They got bomb, they got power
So what? We don’t have that
We have something better
A heart full of peace
Cities are just piles of dirt now
Full of blood
People hurt
Some are injured
Some are dead
How can I change it?
Maybe I can’t
But the world can
Stop the war!
Let’s have peace
But, why does it happen?
Just to showoff their power
Kill millions just for one person?
Why War?
-Mohammad Amanian, UHill
Lost in a crazy place
I remember the crowd around me
Not knowing where I was
Where to go,
Trying to find a way
I remember hearing my name on the speakers
Frightened, thinking that someone’s out to get me
The idea of having no parents
I remember when I started running
Shouting my parent’s names
Trying to match someone with the image in my head
But no such luck
I remember when I hit someone
And there they were
My parents
I remember I couldn’t think
About living without my parents
Thus promising myself
Of never letting go
-Mohammad Amanian, UHill
My biggest weakness
Had finally reach upon me
It had to be stopped
Going to a restaurant
Was as if entering paradise
Walking along the noodle stream
Approaching the counter,
Ready to order,
It was hard not to notice her
After all, she took my order
There was music in the air
A symbol of joy and happiness
While I sat on the chair
Tapping my foot on the white tiles
In respect to the beat
Drinking from the cup
Was in fact enjoyable
She, the waitress
As if being invisible
Danced wildly
Enjoying herself
Until told to stop,
The while dance movements
Were there no more
Gone until next time
When she’s not a waitress no more!
-Mohammad Amanian, UHill
April 20, 2006
You can write.
Write about the tomorrows of yesterdays and afraid you are that NOW will never come.
You can write about
the brief lapse of rainbow coloured sky after a even briefer shower
of God’s tears
dropping from the sky are the sound of clunking scraps of
metallic lumber. You can write about fluffy puppies and kittens and how their
eyes look up at you and say
“You graze my heart with
Lover. Their bodies intertwined
melting into a pot of burning desire
the temptress and her,
how that is all crap and
say there is no love but lust, crackling through my arteries pouring molten lava into her mouth.
You can write about that.
And how deeply pretentious this poem is because
you think no one gets you when you don’t even get
yourself so deep into
this hole so easy. Don’t tell me
I know what I’m saying and you can write.
About the horizon of a Masai Mara sunset dawn and tell people
what it’s like to stand under the Martian sun with your face glowing
red hot. Then you can say ‘life is not worth nothing’ and feel superior
to zebras being butchered by hungry lions their existence
spluttering onto the crimson grass.
You can write about the ‘everything’
how this list will be the asymptote to your muse one day you’re singing your heart out
on Broadway, New York
near the panhandler in the grey coat.
You can write about pessimistic optimists,
why jumbled clutters of thought end up to be
a poem and What Was She Thinking When She Bought That?
You can just do like me.
And write until your pen is out of breath, your
spinning head is out of
ink and sell your soul to no-one-cares so you can go do university
get a job and screw over others the same way.
Say I’m not an angry person, it’s just puberty, say
Isn’t that right.
-Sida Bai, UHill
Scuba Diving
From Malindi,
The shore of many colors
Into Indian Ocean,
The sea of great wonders –
Into a crystal wonderland
Underneath the bustle of our city,
Another city blooms
With prosperity
And its residents of fishes.
Small, shimmering fishes
Like a sprinkle of pink pixie dust,
In a sea of blue.
Large fishes swim lazily
Ripping the turquoise water.
Lifting up golden star ash
Sparkling in an aqua background.
Another world,
Under the sea –
Held in my vision,
Transfixed by my fantasies.
A garden of summer’s dawn –
Bees, drunk in the sweet wine of a midsummer’s night rose.
A drowsy morning,
Misty raindrops prancing down a tear-stained hill.
A dying desert,
Bitter sand smoothing out the wrinkles of time.
A Lonely hut,
Fluttering mounds of dampened ashes.
-Sida Bai, UHill
‘Even the Ocean is burning.’ A shadow cried, falling, opened its soul.
Facing the dancing flames, ashes arose to swallow the corpse.
The flames taunted, fiercely twirling in the smoke.
The Ocean answered only in silent waves.
Desperate waves, splashing blackened shores.
Finally the ocean quivered,
It’s voice hush and shaken.
Waves like shuttered light.
Whispering like broken wind.
Red, the sun glowed
Even the sky have fallen on its knees to red-dom. Firedom
-Sida Bai, UHill
Struggling in the red mist.
The flames reaching, glowing, burning, fearless.
The Ocean cried.
The boiling water melted into lava tears.
‘No, no.” The flames’ anger spilled like oil over the redness.
‘Conqueror.’ The flames softened.
‘What have you conquered?’.
‘Everything!’ Flames roared, soaring beyond the bloody beaches
‘Every blade of grass.’ it turning to gesture.
‘Every star and moon.’ It leaped to look.
But only to see embers has taken their place.
Anger mounted only making it burn brighter.
‘The universe!’
The fire gaped at the bleak red sky.
But the universe is nothing but the same red.
Beautiful Red
Suddenly the sky shuttered into gory pieces and the ocean gave up its hopeless struggle
The fire still burns on…burning nothing.
Without purpose.
Still burning...the same dull red.
-Sida Bai, UHill
A Brother's Suicide Note
My brother, listen to my words carefully.
I tell you this after I lost
the battle against the rich.
Never have a will to become rich.
I would rather die from hunger
than become rich.
It is a sin to live as a rich man.
A rich man sucks up the blood of
a worker's thighs.
A rich man buys women
as easily as they spend money on drinking.
How can a person
use another's sweat to creat his wealth?
How can a person
use another as a tool of his pleasure?
How can a person
use another as a machine or an animal to make money?
I can't criticize a person
Who earned his position
and therefore is enjoying a wealthy life.
However, my brother.
Never become a judge or a prosecutor
who sends innocent people to jail
in return for wealth.
Never become the tool of oppression
hired by the rich.
-Julie Myung, UHILL
On a desert island
Aaron is buried in grief.
He is waiting and waiting for somebody to rescue him.
Suddenly he complains of hunger.
He wanders around the area.
A few minutes later,
He comes back with some fish
caught on a fish spear that he has made.
Oscar has gone mad.
He thinks nobody is coming to rescue him.
He thinks he will be stuck on the island forever.
He starts to cry loudly.
He is in the depths of despair and he is lonely.
Two days later,
He commits suicide.
Bernard adjusts himself to the new environment.
He doesn’t care if somebody comes to rescue him or not.
He starts exploring the place.
He finds a type of fruit
he has never seen before.
He enjoys the fruit and starts to enjoy
the new environment.
ABby takes a rest in the shade.
She is having a very peaceful time,
watching the landscape and the ocean view.
She watches Aaron catching fish
and then helps Bernard picking fruit.
Most people with blood type O are idealistic and passionate. Talk romantically.
Most people with blood type A hate it when the conversation suddenly disconnects or ends.
Most people with blood type B are able to talk about any types of things. They are talented speakers.
Most people with blood type AB enjoy talking about art or literature. They don’t like loud and prattling conversations.
-Julie Myung, UHILL
The things I want in my life time
I want to find the skirt I want is on sale for half price
I want to hear my favorite song on the radio.
I want to fall in love
and I want to receive a special glance,
I want to have a good conversation.
I want to have someone to play with my hair.
I want song lyrics printed inside my new CD so I can sing along without feeling stupid.
I want to get butterflies in my stomach every time I see that one person.
I want to make eye contact with a cute stranger.
I want to see smiles and hear laughter from my friends.
I want to hold hands with someone I care about.
I want to run into an old friend and realize that some things (good or bad) never change.
I want to discover that love is unconditional and stronger than time.
I want to hug the person I love.
I want to watch the expression on someone's face
as they open much-desired present from me.
I want to watch the sunrise.
I want to get out of bed every morning
and thanking my parents for another beautiful day.
-Julie Myung, UHILL
Have wisdom to look back the time
when you hesitated in a fright.
You trusted yourself,
And that’s why you reached up to here.
When you can’t see what’s going on,
Take a few steps forward.
No one knows
What will happen in the future.
The most important thing is that
In that moment
When you begin to step forward,
In that moment
When you begin to trust yourself,
Your fear has disappeared already.
-Jieun Kim, UHill
Life is a series of games
Which I am forced to play.
I always think of giving up
Yet I hate to be defeated even more.
If I can’t avoid it,
I should enjoy it.
If I should enjoy it,
I’d rather love it.
I’m intoxicating to it now.
I expect brand new items.
I am adapted to the rules of games
I am learning the new tactics.
Who says games are futile?
If it deserves to be fought,
It also deserves to be won.
-Jieun kim, UHILL
If I were you I'd be much better
At things you do so disinterestedly
Waste of opportunities, waste of potential
Lacking perseverance, lacking diligence.
If I were you, where would you be?
Would you be watching from the outside
Awed at my prowess?
Look at me succeed!
Why won't you learn?
-Kanghee Park, UHill
Life Sucks
I dreamed and I aspired
To be a doctor or a lawyer
Or a buisness man, who never tires.
I could've been if only that teacher
Didn't give me
That horrible 90 and gave me 3 percent higher.
My mother complains
My father won't love me
I'm getting tummy pains
'cause I don't want to make food
I want that new cellphone!
'cause I'm in a bad mood
-Kanghee Park, UHILL
A Trudge
Dark, shadows; wander, braille.
Narrow corridors; slowly, walk.
Feel, push, your way through,
sludge, rats; dirt and grease.
Sharp stones on walls; feel it.
slippery, guiding, then turn - a pot of gold.
Seams from the sky from metal grates,
bring thin rays of light, a gift.
Watch the lights; follow it,
it brings help, hope - opportunity.
It's not always tough.
Take a chance, succeed.
-Kanghee Park, UHILL
Don't Look Back
When I was a little boy
Life bored my time away
I was tired of my childish toys
Nothing went my way
Times sure have changed in just few years
Now that no one cares
Sure, no one gives two pennies worth
At all, how I fare
This new freedom intrigues me so!
I've got places to explore
It comes with a few sacrifice
But it's worth the many chores
-Kanghee Park, UHILL
Poem Number Six
Crumpled papers strewn around the room,
Pens broken and abandoned.
Assignment tacked, crooked, on the wall –
A death sentence, just watching, just waiting.
Heart racing, face pruned,
Palpitations soon begin.
Pen and paper not yet romancing,
For the pen cannot commit.
Words thrown tentatively, unsure,
Then annihilated by angry scribbles.
Thoughts jumbled, fingers frozen,
A clock ticking away the hours.
Page after page, tree after tree,
Word after word, destroyed.
Blue smudges, inky bitterness, sore neck.
Such is the excruciation,
The struggle, the fight
To write the sixth and final poem.
-Tian Wen, UHILL
A Time
Pitter patter, gentle rain
Beats upon the ground,
Dusty grime invades her tongue
As he makes not a sound.
Stumbling right on past her
Like she was never there,
He thinks her too demanding,
Not knowing that she cares.
Thunder rumbles overhead
Night blankets the sky
Lightning mad as anger
Flashes o'er the mountains high.
One too many nights
Spent on "Does he care like me?"
One too many words unspoken
Of things that ne'er will be.
All she ever wanted
Was for him to take each day
With joy, with hope, with her
Not to be pushed away.
Rain and thunder chill their bones
Night blankets the sky.
There once was time for sorry,
But now its time to say goodbye.
-Tian Wen, UHILL
Wandering out there
Somewhere outside
in the middle
of nowhere
a stranded captain leads his crew
of suspecting little critters,
on the edge of their moving wagon,
searching for a glimmer
one ray, that light........of hope
isolated and lost,
traveling in circles
becomes a game of survival
rather than an adventure
of curiosity
will he find his destination?
-Clement Cheng, UHILL
We capture a frozen frame,
that exact moment in time,
all the pixels seem the same,
cheerishing it for a lifetime.
Everyone loves taking a picture,
always beautiful and bright,
also rich in texture,
creating a stunning light.
Anything can be an image.
of human, animal or nature.
Forever kept in storage,
It's what we call a picture.
-Clement Cheng, UHILL
Painful Endurance
Tears from the eyes causes pain
when a loved one leaves
the heartbrake causes pain
to a feeling we cannot believe.
When prey and predator meet,
How will the outcome look?
There the enemies will meet
the blood will be from one life he took.
The animal kingdom has sacrifice
the food chain causes death
Humans must also endure sacrifice
it's hard to even hold your breathe.
-Clement Cheng, UHILL
The Masked Performer
One that is masked,
is one that is blind to you,
but to them,
you're but a small piece of the puzzle.
The man is a performer,
but really,
he is a magician.
His acts of illusion are just part of his show
what also remains hidden,
is his identity...
The sense of uncertainty,
he puts in his audience,
is the key to his routine of tricks,
and ultimately,
leads to his success and popularity.
He works your brain
to question your sense of reality
that is the story,
of the Masked Performer...
-Clement Cheng, UHILL
Star Glow
It was a night so long ago
That I saw you below,
I am lost in your magic
Filled with yellow and gold.
All the love we know
Is said to be in glow
And it was your beauty,
That gave the stars their perfect glow.
Mark Kong, UHILL
Sweet September
I look toward the sky
And found a storm there
And I look again
Howling and weeping in
Sweet September
Upon the grass I lie
Full of your warm embrace
To face the your bliss
And listen to your sweet song
Sweet September
How long have I been asleep
You paint with all your might
Full of ginger and red
Blossom blooms under your might
Kissing calamity
Like a world on fire.
-Mark Kong, UHILL
When I was a young pup
I dream of growing up
Dream of fairy
And getting marry
My woman doesn’t have to be wise
Because then everyday will be a surprise
She will think I am a fuss
When really I am a wuss
But if the day ever come
That I find a woman rich
But acts as if she was a witch
I would let her know
How ugly she really show
If I ever find a woman that is true
That is when my heart will know
That this is the woman for me
And I will be completely free
King of the Beast
In the distant skies
Arose a mighty cry
Comes the king of the jungle
Like a king he moves,
Muscles rippled as proves
Thy strength that grips his body
As hunger shine in his eyes
Never a sound made
As he leaps forward
Towards the prey
In the silent forest of the night.
-Mark Kong, UHILL
You can smell the freshly mowed grass as you
run down the field,
You can feel eyes glued to you,
You accept a pass from your teammates as you
start dribbling the ball not even thinking
once about stopping,
You come close to the net and you can hear
your heart beating,
As you kick with all your might and starre
in awe for your results....
you hear out of nowhere,
By now you know that
Nothing is impossible.
-Naz Kohan, UHill
Multiple Choice
I'm sitting here,
Crammed in a tiny desk
In a room with more
than twenty people,
Looking around the room,
I see the confused expressions
on some people's faces,
I can hear pencils scribbling
and erasers erasing like lightning
I look at my paper again
and decided whether to choose
A, B, C, D or E,
As the teacher finally yells
"Time's up"
-Naz Kohan, UHILL
No Such Thing as a Happy Ending
I still remember your smile,
that melted my worries away,
I still remember your gift to me
on my birthday,
I still remember your captivating eyes
reassuring me everything would be fine
as i rip a picture of you
into shreds
And as I throw it into the fireplace,
I still remember how you told me
it would last forever,
Watching it burn to pieces,
I get a feeling of satisfaction!
-Naz Kohan
Aging with Friends
Chilly wind
Tickles my ears.
With my imaginery buddy,
I talk, think, smile.
Realizing the speed of time,
I feel lonely but happy.
I am lonely because
I am too old for being a
Friend of Zack.
I am happy because
Suzanne has grown a lot bigger than I am.
Whenever they come,
I 'll bark as loud as I can
And shake my tail as fast as I can,
With all the energy left in me.
Well I am too tired
And I want some sleep.
-David Choi, UHILL
I am on a bench
Oblivious to
Mothers with children
Girls with skipping ropes
Boys with their socceer ball,
Reminding me of the present,
Their world is not mine
Those happy scarless hearts
Remind me of a life that
I never had.
Have they ever
Felt the sting of discrimination?
How many times I have felt
Ashamed of my skin colour
I despise but cannot help.
Who am I to blame?
Why should I feel shame?
Forgiveness is so much harder that
They teach in Sunday school.
I forgive them because
Of the strength of my people because
I don't want them as a reason
To hate myself.
Unshakle the past
The future bekons
It's 6 o'clock and I am born again.
-David Choi, UHILL
Chapters of Time
Grey hair
Short and neatly combed back,
Shining in the sunlight
Young eyes in
A wrinkled face
Staring through a moving window,
Views the
Changing world
"It's so different"
Regretting the speed of
"This world,
Saturated with
Memories of my past
I was a part of it
I helped build it
I could've done better"
Wise grin on his
"This hammer does not belong to me anymore
But to my children."
-David Choi, UHILL
A Poet
I am a poet
I can feel,
And speak.
Are you a poet?
Oh, I am sorry
You're not a poet.
-David Choi, UHILL
The Internet
I am wandering
In the secret garden of the Internet,
Time flies
Like a bird in the sky, leaving no trace.
If one day,
The Eden were not there,
Time would grow its root and refuse to care.
My story would be sad.
-Candy Zhou, UHILL
The Tea Cup
Charming as its appearance
The tea cup sits on the book
As the sea waves outside the patio
The tea sings a silent lullaby
For my good night’ s sleep
-Candy Zhou, UHILL
My childhood photo album is a magic box.
When it is open,
Laughers and songs are flying around
Like little birds in the sky.
-Candy Zhou, UHILL
Whipping Cream Winter
Flurries of pearls drop to the ground from a broken necklace
Snowmen stand like statues
Trees becomes crystal carvings
Roofs prick through the white blankets
A whipping cream winter
-Candy Zhou, UHILL
Happy Valentine's Day
No matter how I try, you seem far away.
You look like an angle, Heaven is where you stay.
But why can't you stay with me,
That's the way we used to be!
-Candy Zhou, UHILL
April 19, 2006
Pretty brunette, working silently in a stuffy, crowded class room
Full of yelling adolescents, throwing crumpled paper balls and gossip
in exotic tongues to the simple ears, punctuating the dusty gloom
White paper lined with blue, smudged with equations and graphs
On which her neat, bubbly writing flows across, solving inequalities.
Occasionally punching numbers into her Casino calculator that sits
On a cramped, dull wooden desk, varnish scratched away, covered in doodles
Its countless identicals, sitting in crooked rows, after lessons of digits.
Brushing back her long brown hair, flowing down tanned anatomy
Covered by a tight pink/black top, worn light blue jeans
After bending down to retrieve a pen, fallen on the dusty floor,
Covered with imprints of chair and desk legs, pressed down by sweating teens.
Light hazel eyes, gaze at the sluggish clock older than she is,
Riveting onto the chalky dark green boards blanketed by smeared white dust
And the aging collage of stale photos, wrinkling and struggling
to hang on to the walls, beside the door, hinges consumed by rust,
As her eyes drift past the still-life, and catch my studying eyes
before they return to the notes. Both sets of eyes look away shyly,
and the awkward moment is passed as time is up and the class starts to rise
-Elitez Psycho, UHill
Naturally Perfect
All bask in the shine of your sunrise smile,
Each unique, each experience is rare.
In the glow, light roan horses race for miles,
Through a silky chestnut forest of hair,
Matching the swirling hazel and green eyes,
Which radiate beauty and energy,
Rivaling the endless depth of the skies.
Gazing in, all can see the synergy.
Intellect, kindness, warmth, and devotion,
These characters are which cold days are warmed.
The extent is as vast as the ocean,
By perfect qualities your soul is formed.
Loved and cherished by all who surround you,
A pure white swan that all regard in awe.
Perfection equals you and all you do,
A crystallized snowflake having no flaw.
A pedestal is not created here,
This barely describes what’s already there.
-Elitez Psycho, UHill
a POET is a general,
deploying words on paper…
columns of verbs, and
ranks of adjectives.
placed at the exact, no mistakes.
placements of similes, and
metaphor assaults.
used with care, zero inaccuracy.
charges of stanzas, and
guards of rhythms,
down to every detail, snafu intolerance.
winning the skirmish, onto the war.
-Elitez Psycho, UHill
Did You Know?
Can You See,
the gaunt street-urchins, with straggly disheveled appearance,
sifting through garbage trying to stave off starvation?
Can You Hear,
the wailing of blood-shot, bleary-eyed people,
grieving in a dreary, wet, stone cold graveyard?
Can You Smell,
the nauseating stench of blood, gore and death,
floating lazily over a smoking war-torn city?
Can You Taste,
the air, saturated with thick black smog
slowly leeching the life out of our once lovely planet?
Can You Feel,
the ugly dark pain, coiled around a home
quietly ripping apart the hopes of a child?
Did You Know,
That this is our world?
-Elitez Psycho, UHill
In an inextricable maze.
Without knowing which way to go.
Without knowing where I wanna go.
Here I am,
In an inextricable maze.
Standing and waiting for someone
Who can help me to get out.
-Kim Jieun, UHill
When you are faced with difficulties…When you are faced with difficulties,
Look at the blue sky for a moment.
And just relax yourself.
Then start thinking about people around you
Who would look at the same sky as you.
When there are heavy burdens on your back.
Let the wind blow them off.
It will watch you with breathless attention.
And take them without any hesitation.
As it always do.
-Jieun Kim, UHill
Get RealWatching as you please
With lifeless eyes glued onto the screen
What good is gazing at deafening TV
If you can attain more realistic image?
Throw away your TV
And peer through the window at the touch of nature
Breathe the piney, fresh air,
Soft with the gentle breeze
-Junghoo Kin, UHill
Waiting Yesterday I went shopping
A poor guy came to me
Asking me for money
I didn't give him any
People ignored him by passing
He didn't say anything
Sitting there like a statue
And doing nothing
Just Waiting
Waiting for people coming
-Susan Hu, UHill